letter o K M
L letter i KMcElman_100416_0068 letter R letter a r Graffito Y (Boston, MA)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Each Thursday in November CHESS players will take over the library at lunch break !

We will try out some opening strategies or other quick tutorials on the SMARTboard each day and then start some games. ALL skill levels are welcome,from absolute beginners to experts.  You are invited!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Reserve your copy now!

The newest book in Christopher Paolini's INHERITANCE CYCLE comes out in bookstores on Tuesday November 8th!

OKM library hardcover copies will be available a few days later, but our ebooks will be loaded on release day!

Students who would like to be first on the lending list should see Ms. Neilson today. 

KINDLES and SONY EBOOK READERS may be signed out for only one week at a time, so they are a good option if you read quickly. Each electronic reader contains several books.