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Thursday, November 27, 2008


Check out the display near the entrance of our library. New books are being added regularly! Our display for the holiday season includes books about world issues and ways to make a difference, as we head into 2009.

Don’t forget to also check the carousel for high demand new releases! You can also find out about new arrivals in the library by visiting the BOOKTALK page of our website, http://www3.okm.sd23.bc.ca/library/index-4.html

***Please remember that you must have your student ID card with you at school to sign out library books and other resources. Keep your card in a safe place. Replacements can be ordered, but they will cost $5.00 each. They will be made of sturdy card instead of plastic.

*The OKM BOOK CLUB will be meeting on Tuesday December 2nd after school in the library. We are currently reading Little Brother by Cory Doctorow.
New members and visitors are always welcome!

***CHRISTMAS READING*** All library books signed out after December 8th will have an extended loan period. They will be due the first day back after the holidays. Please make sure you select your books early so you can get what you want!